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Nvidia Control Panel Settings: Improve your Game Performance

best Nvidia control panel settings

Gamers love to tweak their game settings to achieve the maximum performance and best clarity playing the different games. There are numerous settings that one can tweak to get the best output from the game. Nvidia control panel is a very important interface through which one can modify the game settings as per our needs. Just open your Nvidia control panel interface and check the left side menu to find the best Nvidia control panel settings.

Let us find the use of some of them.

Anisotropic Filtering

best Nvidia control panel settings

If you want to see clear and sharp images then you need to turn this setting on. When Anisotropic filtering is turned on then you will see the game graphics very clear and when it is turned off then you will see the surface blur.

When it is turned off and you move the player ahead in the game then you will find the surface blur and won’t enjoy playing it.

Turning it on will consume high memory bandwidth but you will enjoy playing the game a lot with a much better visual experience.

Setting the value to the highest: 16x will be the most favorable experience to get as it will give the best results.

Anti-Aliasing - FXAA

best Nvidia control panel settings

This is the setting to remove jaggy and staircase effects from the games. It will make the game much smoother. Setting this on will convert the undesirable jagged edges into pixels. The full form of FXAA is Fast approximate anti-aliasing.

Ambient Occlusion

best Nvidia control panel settings

It is a technique used to make an object bright or dark in games. Different objects are exposed to a different amount of light so it is very important to analyze the exposure an object is getting for light and accordingly set the effect on it.

A tunnel for example will be having darkness inside it so the inside part won’t be that much exposed to brightness. A different object on the street will have more exposure to the brightness.

Ambient occlusion will be calculated for every open point in the game. You should turn the setting on as the performance will surely improve with this. If you feel that the game performance gets affected then you should turn it off.

Power Management Mode

best Nvidia control panel settings

This is a good setting for those whose pc is not supporting the battery for a long time. One can save power with this power management mode. Set it to Adaptive for the first time and then experience your game. If you find any problems then you can set it to “Prefer Maximum Performance.”

So, here were the best Nvidia control panel settings 2020. Just try them out and find the new improvements as you play the game.