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Best Rimworld Mod That Will Help You Enjoy the Game More

Rimworld mods are available to include additions and improve the quality of life in your playthroughs. Some are minor tweaks that help you better organize your colony or make it more efficient. In contrast, others include entirely new elements like cleanliness and children, and a couple entirely revolutionizes the game by introducing magic or space exploration.

We recommend starting with a mod-free experience and progressively adding mods once you've completed a few vanilla Rimworld colonies and moved on emotionally from the tragic stories that have surfaced from your exploits.

For example, when one of your sickly colonists died, and your doctor fed their body to the other patient, or when everyone got food sick on a cross-country road trip and the only upright colonist, who had pledged never to do violence, was mauled to death by a rogue squirrel.


Rimworld mods


If you want to test out RimWorld with your pals, this is an excellent place to start. It's entirely compatible with the most recent patch, as well as the Royalty expansion, and may be used with other mods. Hands down, this is one of the best Rimworld mods out there.


Rimworld mods


One of our main complaints about previous versions of the game was that visitors had no purpose. They'd come into your map, hang out for a while (typically in front of the turrets or outside in the rain), and then leave. Traders would visit now and again, but they were few and far between.

Hospitality corrects this by allowing you to construct guest rooms, instruct guests where they can and cannot go, designate objects in an area as buyable, and have someone dote on a faction to strengthen (or hurt) your relationship with them. It opens up many possibilities, such as operating a hotel and serving colony-brewed beer or running a successful human trafficking network.


Rimworld mods


Unless you're continuously reading the social log, your colonists are constantly speaking strange and fascinating things to one another, which you'll most likely miss. These quips and inquiries will show over to your colonists as they talk, thanks to Jake's Encounter Bubbles, so you'll never miss an interaction again. It can be added or removed at any moment without causing damage to the system.


Rimworld mods


Even though your colonists battle for their survival on the Rim, their moods and opinions substantially plunge if they are rained on while hungry or if they've just been rejected romantically by the same person for the sixteenth time in a row in vanilla Rimworld.Your colonists would still verbally attack them because their face is a little goofy, even though that extremely clever doctor saved their lives and fed them a beautiful feast of Ibex meat and rice.

Grim Reality instills a sense of realism in your finicky little pawns, reducing the impact of minor flaws while amplifying the effect of truly horrific events.


We've compiled a list of the best mods for Rimworld that we've found, so fill up your digital plate with them all at once and try to figure out why your game won't load. 

We recommend testing a handful at a time, as they are virtually probably incompatible with each other.